This year you could say I'm slacking. I didn't pull the Christmas bins out until mid November. Last year we had to have a baby gate around our tree as my youngest who was 1, loved the pretty ornaments and would rip them off and toss them around. The bottom of my tree was bare, I had to keep everything out of reach. I figured this year I would give decorating the entire tree another shot. I'll have to be vigilant, and make sure he doesn't destroy the tree.
Which brings us to this evening when I figured I would finally decorate the tree. **If you suffer from P.O.P.D (Perfect ornament placement disorder) I don't suggest decorating a tree with a tiny terror in your midst.** If you are adventurous, or crazy like me, go for it. I started with the ribbon, my oh so helpful little guy kept saying "tree, fix it" and grabbed his toy tools. He then decided to toss the burlap ribbon at the tree while I was behind it fluffing branches. (This began a 5 minute fight with my tree to get it off). He proceeded to say "ready a not I see you" as if it was now some fun game of hide and seek. I couldn't help but giggle and think to myself "it's a good thing he's cute". I finished up the ribbon and went to grab the box of brand new shiny ornaments my mom bought me for my tree. I return to a rubber duck and teething bracelet on the tree. I knew the idea of perfect ornament placement was a pipe dream and this was going to be one of the most difficult tasks I have endured thus far.

If my tree survives until Christmas it will truly be a miracle.
~Mommy Dearest
P.S Send Wine!! Lot's of Wine
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