So we have this Cat. His name is Dexter. We got to keep the mice away at our house. He's a fat well loved cat. He's been great with both our kids.He claws the crap outta me, but is great with kids and just about everyone else. He kills the mice that do manage to enter our home, so he's a great mouser. He hates me but the feeling is mutual.

Today has been a Monday from Hell. From the get go this morning it was awful! I was hoping that with time the day would get better, it hadn't but one can hope. While we were prepping dinner I heard a thunk and turned around to find my cat had made himself a bed in the box I was using to glitter my Christmas Ornaments. I use the box to try and contain the glitter, otherwise it looks like Tinkerbell exploded all over my floor.
I digress, back to the thunk. To my horror he was laying on Modge Podge and glitter covered ornaments. My black cat was no longer black. He looked like he belonged in Club 54. So poor Dexter had to have a shower to wash off all the glitter.
I'm pissed, he's pissed... Please let this day be over.
~Mommy Dearest
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