It's that time of year again... The prodigal Elf Returns. (More like pain in the ass.) None the less if you are one of the many like me, who adopted the whole Elf on the Shelf tradition at Christmas, it's almost time for their return. Some may even have their elf already out. I must admit I made the mistake of bringing that elf out too soon in years past. So now I make it a point that the Elf on the Shelf doesn't make an appearance until December 1st.
I loved the idea of keeping Christmas Magic alive. At the time we adopted our first Elf my son had just started school and some of the older kids who didn't believe were cruel and told a pile of kindergarten kids that Santa wasn't real. (Insert tears of hysteria here) I felt bad for not only my Son but those older kids too. We had a rule in my house growing up (probably put in place because I was the oldest of 3, and there was a significant age gap between myself and the youngest) that "if you didn't believe, you didn't receive". Same rules apply here. In the world we live in today, where in many places kids are almost forced to grow up much more quickly, keeping the Christmas Magic alive for longer and letting kids be kids and get soaked up in the spirit of things makes it that much better.
You can love or hate the Damn Elf. I'm not a huge fan, but I am a fan of the look on my kids faces when that pesky elf does something funny at our house. My oldest who is almost 8 has a love-hate relationship with our Elf, Ninja. Much like my feelings towards the Elf. My oldest will get up each morning and search for that Elf, he wants to know what Ninja has done this time. Sometimes there are endless giggles and others my oldest stands there lecturing the Elf. My youngest doesn't quite get the concept just yet but by next year I'm sure he will be running alongside his brother to find that Elf.
If you are going to do the Elf on the Shelf, I suggest planning out your days. Pinterest has tons of ideas. Below is a link to a free printable Elf on the Shelf planning calendar. I'll be filling mine out tonight...
Free Printable E.O.S Calendar
That Pain in the Ass Elf brings laughter and smiles to our house. So in the end it's all worth it.
To Elf or Not to Elf... The choice is yours
See photos below for ideas.
~Mommy Dearest
UPDATE: Our Elf returned last night! Do you know how long it takes to stuff an elf into a Balloon? A long time, but the looks on my kids faces this morning was priceless.
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