Welcome to the Eleventh Day of the 12 Days of Christmas, today we are talking about one of my favourites, Holiday Baking.

One of my favourite things about the holiday season is all the yummy treats that go with it. I'm usually put in charge of baking some of the treats for the family gatherings. I spend days baking all sorts of delicious treats. I used to start early December and freeze as much as I could, but Hubby and the kids would break into the stash and I would be left with very little left. So now the week before Christmas I start my baking. I spend almost every day for the 7 days leading up to Christmas in my kitchen baking away.

My favourite part of the baking is the time spent together baking. My son loves to help mix ingedients and though he does get bored after a while I cherish that time in the Kitchen making memories together. Another special day is when my best friend comes over for our Annual Christmas Baking Night, and we bake some of our favourite treats together. Many of the ingredients need to be smashed into little bits, we joke that it's her yearly Therapy coming and smashing bits of candy, crackers and cookies. Once the baking is done we of course have to sample things to make sure it's edible. (which it always is we just use it as an excuse to eat the treats). We package them up and enjoy an evening of each others company and get to enjoy holiday treats while doing so. I always send her home with her very own batch of baked goods.

- Skor Bar Squares
- Christmas Crunch Bars
- Gingerbread Cookies
- Short bread cookies
- Chocolate Macaroons
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
- Toblerone Fudge
- Thumbprint Cookies
- Peppermint Bark
To name a few.
Stay tuned Next year for the 7 Days of Holiday Baking Series
What are some of your Favourite Holiday Treats to Make?
~Mommy Dearest
I’ve been slacking with the holiday baking as I’m in a slump right now after recently being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes again. I think though this week I will dive into it for the kids! I want to make ginger bread cookies and peanut butter balls! - jeanine