As a Mother of two boy's I am still learning new things each and everyday and I've been doing this for almost 9 years. As parents we celebrate the milestone's our children reach; their first words, steps, the first tooth they lose and the list goes on. With each celebration comes a little sadness as you are watching your child grow and develop new skills you also know deep down inside that they are becoming more and more independent and growing up.
Something that no parenting book, online article, or milestone celebration could prepare me for, was the day the Magic would Die...
It happened just last week, April 3rd to be exact. A day I won't soon forget. My oldest just turned 8 years old at the end of December. He has always been a loving, free spirited child that exudes innocence. We were doing our bed time routine when he turned to me and said
"Mom, I'm pretty sure that the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus are just the mom's and dad's".
I stood there frozen in my tracks, light a deer caught in the headlights. No No No how could this be happening now? I knew deep down that one day this would happen, one day he would discover the truth, but I wasn't prepared for it. I wasn't prepared for how devastated I would feel about it. I quickly asked him why he thought that.

I quickly explained that there are many people believe in things that they can't see or hear, yet they still believe. At one point I used God as an example. (Not my finest work, and I should not have used that analogy at all. It led to way more questions that I was certainly not prepared to answer) We talked about movies like The Polar Express, I tried to use everything I could think of. He was still keen on his theory.
Without making it too obvious I tried to dig a little further and see what brought this on. He said that he had a conversation with one of his friends from school at the Easter Egg hunt. (Damn) I then tried the adage "if you don't believe you don't receive" he looked at me and said honestly (as most children are) "I want to get the stuff, but I don't know if I totally believe". - insert heart ache here

I was still at a loss, I had seen those Facebook videos circulating at Christmas time where parents "pass the torch" and their child becomes a Santa. But it was two days after Easter. What was I to do? I could come clean at this moment, but what if I crush him more because he is still sitting on the fence?
I simply explained that it was fine if he didn't believe anymore, but he needed to keep it a secret. - I didn't need him going to school in the morning and declaring that Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter bunny aren't real. I could envision the angry text messages from parents, the Facebook posts. I was not a pretty picture. He asked why - I just said it wouldn't be fair to tell everyone because some people really believe and it's not up to us to question their faith in something.
I was still broken inside. My baby was growing up. It was one step closer to losing that innocence.

I didn't pry anymore, I won't bring it up again. I'll let him come to me. I have until next Christmas to figure this all out, or at least until the next tooth falls out. I need to come up with a better way to approach this. For now I still have my youngest who is starting to believe and understand. I wish someone would have warned me about this.
What did you do when your kids told you they didn't believe anymore?
~ Mommy Dearest
It's always a sad day when our kids grow up :(
ReplyDeleteIt really is. I never expected me to hit me this hard though.
Deletewe have all been there as kids, I can't really remember my parents' reaction when I told them about a friend telling me the truth about Santa at school.. haha
It's so hard to be a parent, as there is no magic way or schooling for that. Thank you, for such a wonderful post.
ReplyDeleteI have a few more years until then since my oldest is not quite 5 yet. But I feel like we will tell him similar that even if he doesn't believe, others do and it's a secret. Then he can help keep the magic alive for his little brother in the mean time.
ReplyDeleteMy friends kid asked my husband and I this question when we were traveling with them once. It was so hard and she didn't know what to say, so we told him the truth. And then we welcomed him to adulthood and said now he got to be part of the lie. It sucks but it's good his questioning
ReplyDeleteI just cant. I dont want to think about this at all! My daughter is 4... i dont know if she really believes were not huge on the holiday magical icon people .. but im sure she will suorise me with this one day and ill be speechless..
ReplyDeleteAlso thank you for being amazing and asking him not to spoil others imaginations.. i have a 11 year old nephew that still believes in Santa ♡
Excellent viewpoint. I love where you are coming from with this. Thanks for the encouraging words!!
ReplyDeleteOh I DREAD this day, my baby girl is 2 and I'm trying to enjoy every moment of this magical time - Tonya Michelle
ReplyDeleteI dont have kids but I for sure remember when I stopped believing. I remember my parents feeling a little let down after the magic had died but at the same time they let me start participating in the "santa" and "tooth fairy" duties and that was just as much fun!!
ReplyDeleteThis definitely seems or sounds scary but I guess we gotta keep the magic alive as long as we can.
ReplyDeletei think that if we grownups keep some sparks of magic truly alive within , it does not have to be santa , just the sense of wonder for life, children will feel it and believe it! :)
ReplyDeleteWell right now I am at the borderline with my daughter. She's 12 and the last I knew she still acted like Santa and the Easter Bunny existed. If she knows the magic is gone, then she's not telling me for my sake or hers. But last I knew she still was defending Santas existence. I do know the time is coming though.
ReplyDeleteSomething every parent has to go through I'm afraid! I remember not being so disappointed when I found out, but my older sister and I tried to keep our little sister believing as long as possible.